BVP 01 – Human Resources: HR Manager

Today we’re kicking off a new series of ESL business vocabulary podcasts based on people talking about their jobs. In these episodes, we’ll learn vocabulary and language that are useful across a wide range of different professions and industries.

In this podcast we’ll hear an HR manager, Greg, describe his work and responsibilities. Afterwards, we’ll study some key vocabulary. In particular we’ll be focusing on how words are collocated, or used together. Then we’ll practice what we’ve learned.

When we think about human resource managers, many of us just think of hiring and firing, but actually, as Greg explains, the job involves a lot more than that. HR handles everything from job evaluations to settling disagreements between workers and management.

Listening Questions

1) What type of employment programs does Greg develop and manage?
2) Are there several HR managers or only one in Greg’s company?
3) Greg says that HR managers play a special role in companies that are unionized. What is this role?

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6 thoughts on “BVP 01 – Human Resources: HR Manager”

  1. Hi Gentleman,
    I really appreciacte for your great
    website. I use that a lot and I improved
    my language by using that.
    Would you mind providing a lisson about
    types of jobs in U.S.A.? I mean part time, temporary, permanent, project, hourly and … and the difference between them. Good luck

  2. Isabelle Cecilia

    Thank you for the free resources. They’re very helpful for students… and teachers!

  3. So far i still think this program is to be useful for everyone all over the world!

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