BEP 100 – Job Interview English: Discussing Salary

BEP 100 - business english job interview

You’ve had your first and second interview in English, you’ve performed well, and you’ve been selected. You’re one of the lucky few – you’ve succeeded: You’ve got a job offer in hand. But now comes one of the hardest parts of the whole process – negotiating your salary. If you make a mistake here, all of your time and effort might be wasted.

For salary negotiation, preparation – doing your research – is obviously important. In the internet age, there are many websites that focus on salary information, so investigating the market is much easier than it has been in the past.

Knowledge, however, is not enough. We also need to have the confidence to broach, or bring up, the subject and the tools to bargain up the initial or first offer in order to reach a compromise. You will only get what you deserve if you ask for it. So in today’s episode, we’ll focus the skills you need to successfully talk money.

Fun Beverages International has already emailed an offer to Yala Santos for an HR manager position in one of its Brazilian business units. Yala has written back asking to talk with the HR director, Ted, about the details. We’ll be listening to their conversation.

Listening Questions:

1. Why does Ted say he needs Yala to begin work by the suggested start date?
2. How does Yala broach the subject of compensation?
3. How much over the median or average market rate does Ted say Fun Beverages offered Yala in recognition of her skills and experience?
4. What is the final compromise they discuss?

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6 thoughts on “BEP 100 – Job Interview English: Discussing Salary”

  1. I like your website very much , and i would be a greatful if you could add pdf file for those converstations so we can read and listen in the same time as there are some difficult words that i could not catch them .
    Best regards,

  2. Hi Celine,
    We provide a full transcript PDF to all Premium Members. There is also an online transcript of the dialog with audio and pop-up explanations of key vocabulary and phrases.

  3. jose ramon campomanes

    i like your web site. but i would like to have full transcripton and i would be able to read ald listen at the same time


  4. My name is Jaider,I m from Brazil. I would you like tankyou for this,It!s great. I Buy the ebook “English for Job” I m learn english.
    Tank you,have a nice week

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