VV 07 – Project Management Vocabulary (Part 1)

Video Vocab is a series of English videos explaining the meaning of important business terms related to many of the topics that are part of every day business conversations.

Today we’re looking at business words related to projects and project management. First we’ll hear a short article introducing the topic and then we’ll go though each word in detail with some example sentences to show how you can use the words. At the end of the video you’ll have a chance to review practice your new vocabulary.

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5 thoughts on “VV 07 – Project Management Vocabulary (Part 1)”

  1. Pingback: Video Vocab 08 - Project Management (Part 2) | Business English Pod :: Learn Business English

  2. Pingback: BVP 04 Vocabulary - Discussing a Project | Business English Pod :: Learn Business English

  3. The videos of accounting, project and finance are the best to people who wants to learn technical English of these areas, Thank you very much for this efecttively and so good work,

    With regards,
    Eidmar Linhares for Brazil РṢo Paulo РSP

  4. thank’s for the lesson, business english podcast. i am very happy to see every day these crucial words

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