VV 08 – Project Management Vocabulary (Part 2)

YouTube video

Video Vocab is a series of short videos explaining the meaning of important business terms related to many of the topics that are part of every day business conversations.

We continue our look at the vocabulary related to project management by looking at the words used to describe a project timeline. First we’ll hear a short article introducing the topic and then we’ll go though each word in detail with some example sentences to show how you can use the words. At the end of the video you’ll have a chance to review practice your new vocabulary.

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7 thoughts on “VV 08 – Project Management Vocabulary (Part 2)”

  1. Nice,

    Videos explaining Project Management terms. It seems there was a lot of work put in these videos to make them this professional (I can hear at least 3 persons’ voices).

    Take a look at the Project Management Dictionary for the definition of nearly all Project Management terms.

  2. it is great. The downside of it is that there is not an Ipod downloadable version of it as you made for the earlier version (n.1). I tried to download it but Ipod does not allow it so I cannot have a dedicated section of the P.M terms to listen to. Can you maybe make an audio MP3 as part one? Thanks and keep on this way. I am listenting to you constantly. Thanks.

  3. Typos fixed Diana, thanks for pointing this out ;)

    Marco, you’ll be able to download an MP3 version for VV 08 from the Learning Center pages later this week. You can use iTunes ‘playlist’ feature to quickly make a dedicated list of all the podcast (or which ones you choose) related to projects. A simple video tutorial on how to do this is available on Apple’s website here:
    http://www.apple.com/itunes/tutorials/ (select ‘Playlist’ from the options on the right)

    [Tip: you can listen to this tutorial in your own language by adding the two-letter code for the language you want between the “apple.com/” and “itunes/tutorials/” in the above URL (ie. “fr” for French, “it” for italian, etc.).

    Below is an example for German language:
    http://www.apple.com/de/itunes/tutorials/ ]

  4. Pingback: BVP 04 Vocabulary - Discussing a Project | Business English Pod :: Learn Business English

  5. Pingback: Business English Vocabulary VV 20 The Planning Process 1 | Business English Pod :: Learn Business English Online

  6. this is the most important website I have ever seen. thank you very much. I hope through this website my english can be improved.

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