Skills 360 – English Communication Skills (2): Clarifying

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Welcome back to Skills 360 for today’s lesson on how to improve your communication skills.

Communication between people is never perfect. Even with the people closest to us, who you might think we can understand very well, there is miscommunication. Sometimes we don’t hear things correctly, or we don’t hear them at all, and sometimes people don’t express ideas precisely. That’s enough to complicate the situation, but then we can throw in implied meaning and our own understanding of what’s being said indirectly. But have no fear. There are ways to work though the minefield of communication and make everything clear. And that’s exactly what we’ll look at today: clarifying what people have said.

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1 thought on “Skills 360 – English Communication Skills (2): Clarifying”

  1. Great resource that I’ll recommend to my students!

    Small peeve: The quiz execution is less than ideal when it comes to exercises where the student can make more than one choice, e.g. the matching exercises and the “Choose all that apply” exercises.

    The student can make some choices but if they are not all 100% correct, the quiz does not explain *which* choices were not correct before giving them another attempt. The student can end up frustrated trying all possible combinations because they have not received immediate feedback on which things they got right and which they got wrong.

    But if I recall correctly, that’s one of the drawbacks of Articulate Quizmaker, in which…

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