BEP 106e – Presenting for Success: Using your Voice
In this Business English Podcast lesson we’ll look at how to speak naturally and how to emphasize, or highlight, key language and ideas. In addition, we’ll be looking at a few key English expressions and phrases you can use to add extra emphasis to your presentation in English.
Today’s listening takes place at PharmaTek, an international pharmaceutical manufacturer based in Switzerland. A group of European journalists are taking a tour of PharmaTek’s new high-potency production center in Beijing, which is scheduled to start making PharmaTek’s new blockbuster medication, Zorax, in the fall of 2007. “Blockbuster” means hugely successful. “High-potency production” refers to using highly potent or very strong chemicals. This is a manufacturing technique that requires “state-of-the-art” or very advanced technology.
We’ll be hearing PharmaTek employees introduce the new plant. Let’s start with a couple bad examples, where the voice needs a lot of work. Listen to Gunter Schmidt, the manager of PharmaTek’s corporate affairs division. As you listen, focus on his voice. What does he do wrong?
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