Skills 360 – Achieving Your Goals (Part 2)

Welcome back Business English Skills 360 for the second part of our series on achieving your goals.

In this episode, we’re going to talk about how to maintain your focus and motivation while you work toward achieving your goals. Remember that achieving your goals is a process, not an event. It takes time, energy, motivation, and the ability to deal with adversity. It doesn’t happen all at once. But if you set SMART goals, manage them well, find the right time and resources, and maintain motivation, you’ll get there.

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Skills 360 – Achieving Your Goals (Part 1)

Welcome back Business English Skills 360 for the first part of our series on achieving your goals. In this episode, we’re going to focus on setting SMART goals and effective goal management.

Now, when I talk about goals, I’m talking about any kind of goal. It could be a personal goal, like improving your sales pitch, or an organizational goal, like expanding successfully into new territory. The basics are the same and these tips apply to goals of any size or scope.

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Skills 360 – Networking Skills (Part 2)

Welcome back Business Skills 360 for the second part of our look at networking skills. In this episode, we’re going to focus on “network maintenance,” or how to make sure your network is healthy, organized, and effective.

You see, passing out business cards is not enough. I can spend all week attending events and talking to people and manage to hand out 200 business cards but still not have a healthy and effective network. To do that, you need to maintain your network. You need to take care of it and reinforce its connections. You need to work your network. Just how can we do that?

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Skills 360 – Networking Skills (Part 1)

Welcome back to Business Skills 360 – the podcast that looks at the other side of Business English.

Today’s Business Skills 360 lesson is about business networking, and goal-setting for networking events. To get the most out of your networking, you need to go into these events with a clear objective so that you can make good use of the opportunity. We set goals for everything else, so why not networking?

To brush up on your Business English for networking, check out BEP 155 & 156.

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Skills 360 – Tips for your First Job Interview: Difficult Questions

Welcome back to Business Skills 360 – the podcast that looks at the other side of Business English.

This is the fourth and final part in our 360 series on your first job interview. Today we’re going to tackle a few of those really tough questions that interviewers like to ask.

Getting ready. That’s the key. You need to spend time preparing for your interview and crafting good answers to the questions you’re going to face. I’ll go through five common difficult questions today and you can prepare your answers.

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