BEP 17 – Meetings: Supporting your Position (Part I)

*** This podcast has been updated with a new two-part series.***

Please click the links below to go to the new versions of this lesson:
BEP 17 (Redux) – Part 1
BEP 17 (Redux) – Part 2

In the first part of our series on making and supporting your arguments in meetings, we cover the key English language used to organise your thoughts and support your ideas. In later episodes we’ll look deeper into the topic and provide further examples of language you can use to support your position.

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Business News 3 – 200 Million Dollar Mistake

Our news story today is about a share trader in a Japanese bank who made perhaps the worlds most expensive typing error!

After you listen to the story, we’ll explain some of the new vocabulary and provide further examples of how it can be used. The transcript for this Business English News podcast is in the ‘Archives’ section:

[tp no_translate=”y”]Members: PDF Transcript

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Business News 02 – Cultural Awareness

Today, more than ever business success requires intercultural awareness and effective cross cultural communication skills.

Working, meeting, dealing, entertaining, negotiating and corresponding with colleagues or clients from different cultures can be full of obstacles. One wrong movement or basic misunderstanding could ruin or delay months of work.

Understanding and appreciating intercultural differences promotes clearer communication, breaks down barriers, builds trust, strengthens relationships, opens business opportunities.

Follow this link for great tips on business etiquette, customs and protocol for doing business worldwide:

[tp no_translate=”y”]Members: PDF Transcript

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