BEP 156 – English for Socializing: Networking (Part 2)

This is the second of a two-part Business English Pod lesson on business networking.

Networking is all about people and connections. You never know when someone you meet at a conference or trade show may be able to help your business in the future. Likewise, you may be able to help someone else out. So building and maintaining a network of business contacts is essential.

But once you meet a prospective contact, how do you maintain that connection? This is what we’ll focus on today. We’ll talk about ways to steer a conversation toward a lead. We’ll also cover ways to shoot for a meeting and be persistent. And we’ll look at the other side and discuss ways to politely leave a conversation.

Today’s lesson is mainly about sales, but these functions can be easily applied to other situations.

Last time, we met Ian, a sales rep for a pharmaceutical company, and Marissa, a pharmacy manager at Children’s Hospital. They met at a conference and Marissa mentioned her frustration with her current pharmaceutical supplier. Deliveries are often late and are sometimes packaged incorrectly. She’s concerned about getting supplies for her hospital’s vaccine clinics. And that’s where the conversation resumes today.

Listening Questions

1. What supplies does Marissa’s pharmacy need?
2. Why does Ian suggest grabbing a cup of coffee?
3. What is Marissa’s schedule like right now?

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BEP 155 – English for Socializing: Networking (Part 1)

This is the first of a two-part Business English Pod series on networking.

In business, so much depends on who you know. A network is a group of business contacts that have the resources to help each other out. Former and current colleagues, outside business associates, vendors, friends, acquaintances – these can all be part of your network.

The term “networking” refers to developing this group of contacts. Most businesspeople are looking to expand their networks – for sales leads, job referrals, information, and advice. Networking also means being helpful to others. There should be mutual benefits for all involved.

Networking often involves approaching people you don’t know, which can be a little awkward. How do you network in a way that seems genuine? In this lesson, we’ll look at ways to approach people. We’ll also cover greetings and introductions, 10-second elevator pitches, and talking about your industry.

Today we’ll listen to Ian and Marissa’s first interaction at a pharmacy conference. Ian is a sales rep for a pharmaceutical company. Marissa is the manager of a hospital pharmacy. A pharmacy is a place that distributes medicine and drugs.

Listening Questions:

1. How does Ian break the ice with Marissa? In other words, how does he start their first interaction?
2. How did Ian learn about the flu vaccine clinics?
3. Why is Marissa frustrated with her supplier?

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BEP 154 – Management English: Motivating Your Team (2)

Management English - Motivating your Team 2

This is the second in a two-part Business English Podcast series on motivating your team.

There are many strategies you can use to motivate people. One way is to reward them. This reward can be emotional, such as acknowledgement or praise for a job well done. Or, it can be more concrete, like a cash bonus or a prize.

In this lesson, we’ll look at motivation through rewards. We’ll discuss how to acknowledge your team’s efforts and give praise. We’ll also look at how to introduce challenges, friendly competition, and incentives. Finally, we’ll talk about some ways to finish up a meeting so that your team feels energized for the work ahead.

Last time, we listened to Joe, the manager of the sales department at a resort, motivating his team after a round of layoffs. Today, we’ll go back to Joe’s team a month later. They’ve made good progress since their first meeting and Joe wants to keep his staff motivated so that they will continue to succeed.

Listening Questions

1. Why is the team happy with Nick?
2. What is the first prize for the sales competition?
3. What does Deborah think about the challenge?

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BEP 153 – Management English: Motivating your Team (1)

Management English - Motivating your Team 1

This is the the first of a two-part Business English Pod series on motivating your team.

Motivation is an important force in business. Much of what gets accomplished is driven by a team’s motivation. When employees feel energized about a project, they’re more likely to contribute ideas and work hard toward success. But if they’re not motivated, their commitment – and the chances of success – diminish.

Sometimes, motivation is difficult to achieve. Circumstances such as a poor economy or downsizing can devastate employee morale, or optimism. Employees may feel defeated, uncertain about their future, and not at all excited about the work ahead.

In this lesson, we’ll look at some ways to motivate your team. We’ll discuss how to acknowledge obstacles that may hold a team back. We’ll cover ways to convey enthusiasm and make people feel valued. And we’ll talk about how team members can contribute to the discussion and brainstorm.

Today we’ll listen to Joe, a manager at a resort, try to motivate his sales team. The department has been downsized considerably and morale is low. Still, they have important work to do.

Listening Questions:

1. Why does Joe say that the team looks different now?
2. What idea does Carl suggest?
3. What is Nick’s idea?

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