Business English News 31 – Crowdfunding

BEN 31 - Crowdfunding

In today’s Business English News lesson, we look at new methods of raising capital for startups.

Crowdfunding, the idea of gathering lots of small contributions from individuals to finance a company or a project, is one of the latest buzzwords to hit the business world. Born as a result of the economic crisis where access to financing from traditional sources is increasingly difficult, crowdfunding is another avenue to secure funds for entrepreneurial ventures; as This is Money explains:

Until recently, financing a business involved asking a few people for big sums of money. Crowdfunding is turning this idea on its head, using the Internet to help entrepreneurs talk to thousands – if not millions – of potential funders who each contribute a small amount.

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Business English News 30 – Drones


In today’s Business English News lesson, we look at the potential of using drones for commercial purposes.

What was once a dream for science fiction fans is now inching closer to reality. Powerful companies are pouring money into what they hope will be the birth of a new delivery market. Google, Amazon, and a handful of others have embarked on a project that may change the way consumers receive products, and the commercial drone industry is poised to take off with far-reaching applications.

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Business English News 29 – Wearable Technology

BEN 29 - Wearable technology

In today’s Business English News lesson, we look at the battle for the wearable technology throne. From watches to glasses, and clothing to health monitoring, the possibilities are seemingly endless for wearable tech. ‘Wearables’ refers to the electronic technologies or computers incorporated into watches, contact lenses, eyewear, bracelets, rings, clothing and more ”” all designed to be worn on the body.

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Business English News 28 – Eurozone Recovery


In today’s Business English News lesson, we look at the situation in Europe as the Eurozone begins to recover. Since emerging from its longest-ever recession last summer, the Eurozone recovery has been muted at best. While recent reports show some positive signs, the region still has a long way to go in addressing some of its imbalances.

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Business English News 27 – Microsoft Reboot

BEN 27 - Microsoft

Microsoft has been busy since CEO Steve Ballmer announced his retirement last summer. On top of buying Nokia, introducing a new tablet lineup, and tweaking Windows 8, they searched high and low for a viable replacement for Ballmer. Even with the recently announced hiring of Satya Nadella as CEO, last year may have been Microsoft’s annus horribilis.

[tp no_translate=”y”]Free Resources: PDF Transcript | Online Practice

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