Free Subscriptions

There are a variety of different ways to subscribe to the podcast and receive automatic updates.

Download MP3 podcast lessons and get automatic updates by choosing a free subscription from the options below. (To use iTunes, you will need to install the free program on your computer. 

One of the advantages of podcasts is that you don’t have to remember to come to our website to download the latest podcast. You can use one of several free podcasts programs or web services to subscribe to our podcast and automatically download the latest episode as soon as it’s released.

Here’s a selection of the leading podcast software:

Apple Podcasts – Apple’s iTunes program brought podcasting to the masses and is by far the most popular way to subscribe to podcasts (80% of all BEP subscribers use iTunes).

Download link for PC (iTunes is pre-installed on Mac OS X):

Subscription link for BEP in iTunes:

RSS Feed – Web browsers such as IE, FireFox and Chrome can also be used to subscribe to the BEP RSS feed directly. Just enter our feed address in your browser:

Spotify – Business English Pod audio lessons are available in Spotify Podcasts:

Google Podcasts – While Google Podcasts doesn’t offer a subscription service for desktop, you can use this link to access the BEP podcast on Android devices:

Subscribe by email – You can also get a weekly email with links to download the podcast by signing up for the free Feedburner email service at:

BEP mobile apps – Our BEP mobile app for Apple and Android is another convenient way to download and listen to the podcasts for free. There are also options to buy individual lesson transcripts or in-app subscriptions to unlock all the lessons in the app (these in-app subscriptions are not connected to BEP premium membership).

Apple iOS:


12 thoughts on “Free Subscriptions”

  1. First of all, I would like to thank you for such a useful podcast! I would also like to ask you the following question: I’ve been subscribed to your podcast since episode #53, and I don’t seem to able to download earlier programmes. I’d be very grateful if you could let me know whether it is possible.

  2. hello.I am new here to use the podcast. I would like to ask you how I can download the dialogue and the questions which can be saved in my pc for later repeated use.

  3. Hi! I really like your podcasts. I’d like to link my blog to some of your podcasts . Is it possible?
    Thank you!

  4. Podcasts ruuuules ! English is my mother tongue, but I do see the benefits of using podcasts to learn languages.

  5. Pingback: INGLES by argonur - Pearltrees

  6. Dear Business English Pod Team,

    You rock! This is the most professional english podcast website ever!

    Like Maria (November 20, 2008 at 12:41 pm) my software doesn’t allow me to download episodes prior to November 2010. It’s just so tedious to have to download each episode one by one

    Is there any way you can solve this? I mean, in this site you can access all episodes, but my software just gives me access to episodes prior to Nov 2010

    Thanks your time and efforts

  7. Dear Business English Pod Team;
    At first I should thank you for this nice and advantageaus website.
    Indeed, I am starting to learn how to make an email, but I need some information to get it in the right way.
    Please would you advise me the Skills of Writng Email?

    Best Regards,

  8. Hello. I am wondering if BEP have any podcast app for android, I have been searching on play store but can’t find any. Anybody knows, pls help, thanks…

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