BEP 143 – Meetings: English for Teleconferences (1)

English for Teleconference Meetings 1

This is the first in a two-part Business English Pod series on teleconferences – meetings that take place over the phone.

Nowadays, we have virtual teams interacting across the globe in virtual meetings without having to leave the office. Teleconferences offer a host of advantages, including minimal travel and meetings costs.

However, teleconferences do have their challenges, especially since participants cannot see each other. It’s helpful for people to introduce themselves, use their names and their colleague’s names when speaking, minimize background noise, and speak slowly and clearly. In these two episodes, we’ll learn vocabulary associated with teleconferences. We’ll also learn ways to professionally and tactfully handle any issues that come up.

Today, we’ll listen to Craig and Elsa. Craig is a new hire at StarCom, a computer and printer manufacturer. He’s fresh from university and needs to learn how to do a teleconference, so he asks for help from Elsa, who works in HR.

Listening Questions

1) What types of equipment are needed for a teleconference?
2) What is the purpose of a passcode?
3) What are three problems Elsa mentions that can often occur during a teleconference?

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BEP 43 – Meetings English: Managing the Discussion

This is the second in our two-part intermediate Business English Podcast series on opening and managing meetings in english. In the first episode, we looked at how to open a meeting. In today’s podcast lesson we’re going to cover how to manage the discussion.

Martin, the GM of Daneline Singapore, is discussing with his staff how to make up a budget shortfall. He has just asked Sandra to kick off the first item on the agenda – outsourcing the cleaning.

Listening Quiz

1) How much money can Daneline Singapore save by outsourcing cleaning?
2) Does Sam like pizza?
3) Does Dave agree with the strategy of outsourcing cleaning?
4) How does Dave suggest dealing with the brochure redesign?

*** This lesson is part of our Business English eBook for meetings: Meeting Essentials. Premium members click here to download the complete eBook.

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BEP 42 – English for Meetings: Opening a Meeting

This is the first in a two-part intermediate Business English Podcast lesson on opening and managing meetings. In this episode, we’ll look at how to open a meeting. In the second part (BEP 43) we’ll look at language you can use to manage the discussion.

The listening takes place in the Singapore offices of Daneline, an international shipping company. Martin, the GM, is chairing a meeting with Sandra, David and Sam to discuss a budget shortfall. Shortfall means their budget has fallen short of expectations. In other words, they don’t have enough money, so they need to make some cuts. To chair a meeting is to lead the meeting. We can say that Martin is the chairperson. So in these two episodes on opening and managing meetings, you’ll be learning language for chairing meetings.

Listening Quiz
1) What is the amount of the budget shortfall?
2) Why doesn’t Sandra have a copy of the agenda?
3) How many possible cuts are under discussion?
4) What is the first item on the agenda?

*** This lesson is part of our Business English eBook for meetings: Meeting Essentials. Premium members click here to download the complete eBook.

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BEP 32 – Meetings: Brainstorming & Discussing Ideas

New versions of this lesson are available here:
BEP 32 A – English for Discussing Solutions to a Problem (1)
BEP 32 B – English for Discussing Solutions to a Problem (2)

In this Business English Podcast lesson we take another look at the language used to suggest and discuss ideas in meetings and teleconferences. We’ll also provide further language for diplomatic disagreement and agreeing action points at the end of the meeting.

The teleconference is run by Jim as a type of meeting called a “Brainstorming” meeting, which is useful for gathering and openly discussing ideas as the format is more relaxed.

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BEP 24 – Teleconferencing: Using Diplomatic Language

This lesson has been updated with new explanations, examples and practice.The new lessons are available here.

In this Business English Podcast we’re going to listen to a teleconference between the head office management of a US guitar manufacturer and the manager of their new Latin American plant.

Key language structures explained are: diplomatic language and using probing questions. We also introduce some useful English phrases for starting a teleconference meeting, interrupting and clarifying.

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