Successful Job Interviews

English for Job Interviews eBook features MP3 audio, PDF and online quizzes on language and skills for succeeding in a job interview in English.

English Job Interviews eBook Course

  • Key Points to Consider for Job Interviews
  • Getting Started & Small Talk
  • Talking about your Previous Experience
  • Vivid Language for Describing your Abilities
  • Describing your Greatest Accomplishments
  • Discussing your Weaknesses
  • Handling Tough Questions
  • Asking the Interviewer Questions
  • Second Round Interviews
  • Comparing Candidates Abilities and Skills
  • Negotiating your Salary

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Members: click a link below to view and download files (right-click to save to your computer).

Successful Job Interviews
Online Quizzes
Complete Set/ZIP
Course Introduction
Previous Experience 1
Previous Experience 2
Accomplishments 1
Accomplishments 2
Asking Questions
Stress Questions
2nd Round Interview
Discussing Candidates
Salary Negotiation


9 thoughts on “Successful Job Interviews”

  1. Dear Mr.

    I want to study english about job interview. please help me for get e-book about job interview.

    Best Regards,
    Khaidir Ismail

  2. Pingback: Revised e-Book for Job Interviews in English | Business English Pod :: Learn Business English Online

  3. I am a hard worker & I will be able to satisfy you by my work. I am ambitious & I believe in continuous learning.

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