925 English Lesson 24 – How to Clarify Meaning in English

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In today’s 925 English video lesson, we’re going to learn some ways of clarifying what someone means.

Sure, you can just nod and smile when you don’t understand. People do that all the time. But they also feel foolish later, especially when the speaker realizes what has happened. Or when you have to ask a question that clearly shows you didn’t understand the first time.

Sometimes it’s just a matter of one word you don’t know. In this case, don’t be afraid to stop someone for clarification. You can always begin by saying you’re sorry, then just ask what the word means. Or you can say you’re “not quite clear what you mean by” a certain word.

925 English is a course of video English lessons for beginner level (CEFR A2) English learners. With 925 English lessons you can learn business English expressions to use in work and business.

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925 English Lesson 23 – How to Clarify Understanding in English

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In today’s 925 English video lesson, we’re going to learn how to clarify something you didn’t hear properly.

If you don’t hear what someone says, the easiest thing to do is just let it go. Move on. Let them keep talking. But that can be a very dangerous strategy. I mean, what if they asked you to do something important? Or what if they told you some important information? Do you really want to miss that?

So rather than letting it go, it’s easy to just ask the person to repeat what they said. To do that politely, we might say “Could you repeat that please?” Or you can use the expression “I beg your pardon?” Then the person knows you haven’t heard them, and they’ll repeat it for you.

925 English is a course of English video lessons for beginner level English learners. With 925 English lessons you can learn business English expressions to use in work and business.

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925 English Lesson 22 – Making Requests in English

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In today’s 925 English video lesson, we’re going to learn how to make requests in English.

There’s a reason why making requests is one of the first things English-speaking parents teach their children. It’s because we can’t get along in life – and that includes work – without asking people to give us things or to do things for us.

In some situations, our requests are quite direct. For example, with people you know well or colleagues, you don’t need to be too formal. In this case, you can make a question with “Can you” or “Could I get you to.” That’s a simple and direct way to ask someone to do something.

925 English is a course of English video lessons for beginner level English learners. With 925 English lessons you can learn business English expressions to use in work and business.
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925 English Lesson 21 – Making Offers in English

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In today’s 925 English video lesson, we’re going to learn how to make an offer in English.

There’s give and take in every relationship. And giving involves making an offer. It might be something simple like offering a cup of coffee. Or it might be something big like help with a project.

In some situations – like offering a drink – we can make the offer very directly. One common way to do this is with the word “can.” So you can ask a question, like “Can I help you with that?” Or you can make a statement, like “I can get you a cup of coffee if you want.”

925 English is a course of English video lessons for beginner level English learners. With 925 English lessons you can learn business English expressions to use in work and business.
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925 English Lesson 20 – Asking for and Giving Advice in English

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In today’s 925 English video lesson, we’re going to learn how to ask for and give advice in English.

Everybody needs a little help sometimes. And when you need help, you shouldn’t be afraid to ask for advice. Maybe you ask a friend or colleague, or maybe you ask a boss or mentor. Whatever the case, I want to give you some good ways to get advice.

One nice way is to ask for advice before you explain your problem. For example, you might say “I was wondering if you could give me some advice?” Or, if the person already understands the situation, you can just ask “What do you think I should do?” Or maybe “What do you think I should say?”

925 English is a course of English video lessons for beginners. With 925 English lessons you can learn business English expressions to use in work and business.
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