Meeting Essentials

The English for Meetings eBook features MP3 audio, PDF study notes and online quizzes on essential Business English skills for conducting and participating in meetings in English.

These lessons are also available in our English for Meetings eCourse App:
Download from the Apple App Store (iOS).

English for Meetings eBook Course

  • Expressing opinions in meetings
  • Agreeing
  • Disagreeing
  • Making suggestions
  • Accepting or rejecting suggestions
  • Clarifying what was said
  • Clarifying what was meant
  • Chairing a meeting – starting off
  • Chairing a meeting – managing the discussion
  • Interrupting and resisting interruption
  • Problem Solving Meetings
  • Finishing up and action points

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Premium Members: click a link below to view and download files (right-click to save).

Online Quizzes
Complete Set/ZIP
Course Introduction
Expressing Opinions
Clarifying 1
Clarifying 2
Problem Solving 1
Problem Solving 2


9 thoughts on “Meeting Essentials”

  1. You are providing wonderful materials for learners of business English.

    Please keep up your great work and I’ll continue to subscribe as one of preminum members.

  2. Definetly going to incorporate this into my sessions
    Thank you

    Heard from my boss (Target, Offenback) they are buying the equipment needed player and speakers lots of them when they are in place I believe they will then purchase the Licences/memberships needed (or some such thing)

  3. Hello everyone of there,

    This is Amr from Egypt, I wanna thak all the staff who produce these lessons.
    That is exactly what i was looking for.

    Thanks in advance,


    From Egypt.

  4. Pingback: BEP 81 INT – Meetings: Finishing Up and Action Points | Business English Pod :: Learn Business English Online

  5. Pingback: BEP 29 INT – Meetings: Disagreeing | Business English Pod :: Learn Business English Online

  6. Pingback: BEP 31 INT – Meetings: Accepting and Rejecting Suggestions | Business English Pod :: Learn Business English Online

  7. Pingback: BEP 43 INT – Meetings: Opening and Managing Meetings (Part 2) | Business English Pod :: Learn Business English Online

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