925 English Lesson 29 – Talking about Possibility in English

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In today’s 925 English video lesson, we’re going to learn how to talk about possibility in English.

What do I mean by “possibility?” I mean answering questions like: will the stock market go up? Will you get that job you applied for? Will your manager be in a good mood today? Maybe? Probably? Or probably not? This is how we talk about possibility.

Let’s start with “probably.” That means you are pretty sure something will happen. You’re not certain. It’s not 100%. But you can say you’re fairly certain that something will happen. That’s like saying it’s 80 or 90 percent. Another way of saying the same thing is “there’s a really good chance.” In that case, “chance” doesn’t mean opportunity. It means probability.

925 English is a course of English video lessons for beginners (CEFR level A2) English learners. With 925 English video lessons you can learn business English expressions to use in work and business.

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925 English Lesson 28 – Using Hypotheticals in English

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In today’s 925 English video lesson, we’re going to learn how to talk about hypothetical situations in English.

Humans are always using their imagination. Sometimes we think about what might happen in the future. Other times we have to imagine different situations in order to figure out what is the best decision to make today or in the future. And when we talk about ideas like this, we use particular words and structures.

For example, when we introduce a hypothetical – or imagined – situation, there are a few expressions we can use. We often start with the words “say” or “suppose.” So, something like “suppose you were the boss” is understood as “imagine you were the boss.” You can also ask a question using “what if,” such as “what if you were the boss?” That word “if” is especially important. We’ll see that word again later in this lesson.

925 English is a course of English videos for beginners (CEFR level A2) English learners. With 925 English video lessons you can learn business English expressions to use in work and business.

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925 English Lesson 27 – Using Questions to Ask for Details

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In today’s 925 English video lesson, we’re going to learn how to use questions in English to ask for details.

It would be great if everyone always told us exactly what we need to know. But it doesn’t usually happen. When we want detailed information, we need to go out and get it. And that means asking people questions.

You can confirm information with simple yes / no questions, like “Do you sell printers?” or “Are you the manager?” But I want to start by looking at questions that get different kinds of information, not just a “yes” or “no” answer. And one of the best ways to get information is with WH questions. We have five WH words in English: who, what, where, when, and why. You might also use “how,” which has a “w” and an “h” but not in that order.

925 English is a course of business English video lessons for beginners (CEFR level A2) English learners. With 925 English lessons you can learn business English expressions to use in work and business.

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925 English Lesson 26 – Making and Responding to Suggestions

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In today’s 925 English video lesson, we’re going to learn how to make and respond to suggestions in English.

In work situations, people are continually making suggestions. It could be about something simple, like where to go for lunch. Or it could be about a complex problem, like how to increase sales. You might make a suggestion in English to one person, or to a whole group of people in a meeting.

Making a suggestion means stating one possible option. And that’s why we often use a question to make a suggestion, such as “What about” or “Have you tried.” And with these expressions, you have to use the -ing form of the verb, such as “What about asking our manager?” But there are other expressions that just use the base form of the verb, without adding -ing. The expressions “Why don’t we” and “Let’s” both work in this way. For example, we might say “Why don’t we go to Spain?”

925 English is a course of business English video lessons for beginners (CEFR level A2) English learners. With 925 English lessons you can learn business English expressions to use in work and business.

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925 English Lesson 25 – Asking for and Giving Directions

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In today’s 925 English video lesson, we’re going to learn how to ask for and give directions in English.

It would be great if the map apps on our phones were perfect. But even with the help of technology, we can get confused in a new city, a new neighborhood, or a new office building. And when we do, we need to be able to ask for help.

One simple way to ask for directions in English is to ask if someone “knows where something is.” Or you can just say that you’re looking for a certain place, whether it’s a building, or a room inside a building. One other polite way to ask for directions is with the expression “could you tell me how to get to” a place.

925 English is a course of video English lessons for beginner level (CEFR A2) English learners. With 925 English lessons you can learn business English expressions to use in work and business.

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