VV 41 – Financial Vocabulary: Taxes 1 (Audio)


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This is a temporary post until the video is available on Monday.

In this lesson, we’ll look at taxes, particularly corporate income tax, which US businesses pay to the Internal Revenue Service, or IRS. Companies must file a return with the IRS every fiscal year. On their returns, companies declare revenue and capital gains and pay a certain tax rate based on those earnings.

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BEP 25c – Travel: Checking in for a Flight

BEP 25 - Travel English: Checking in for a Flight

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on checking in for a flight at the airport.

This Business English lesson is part of our new series of fresh takes on some of our older lessons. We’ve kept the same dialog but have new explanations and practice for our lower level learners.

So, imagine you arrive at the airport on the day of your flight. You walk up to the ticket counter to “check in.” What do you say? Well, you need to start by telling the agent you want to check in and give some information about your flight, such as where you are going. You also need to check your “baggage,” or your bags, and perhaps make a polite request for the kind of seat you want.

In fact, it’s important to be polite throughout this conversation, and it’s this polite language and vocabulary that we’ll learn today. And you may find the expressions we learn quite useful in many different travel situations.

In the dialog you’re going to hear a traveler called Robert. Robert is talking to a ticket agent because he wants to check in for his flight. Listen carefully and you will hear Robert and the ticket agent talk about Robert’s destination, his bags, seat, and ticket.

Listening Questions

1. What is Robert’s final destination?
2. How many suitcases does Robert want to check?
3. After checking his bags, what does Robert ask the ticket agent?
4. Where does Robert want to sit on the airplane?

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Business English News 31 – Crowdfunding

BEN 31 - Crowdfunding

In today’s Business English News lesson, we look at new methods of raising capital for startups.

Crowdfunding, the idea of gathering lots of small contributions from individuals to finance a company or a project, is one of the latest buzzwords to hit the business world. Born as a result of the economic crisis where access to financing from traditional sources is increasingly difficult, crowdfunding is another avenue to secure funds for entrepreneurial ventures; as This is Money explains:

Until recently, financing a business involved asking a few people for big sums of money. Crowdfunding is turning this idea on its head, using the Internet to help entrepreneurs talk to thousands – if not millions – of potential funders who each contribute a small amount.

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Business English News 30 – Drones


In today’s Business English News lesson, we look at the potential of using drones for commercial purposes.

What was once a dream for science fiction fans is now inching closer to reality. Powerful companies are pouring money into what they hope will be the birth of a new delivery market. Google, Amazon, and a handful of others have embarked on a project that may change the way consumers receive products, and the commercial drone industry is poised to take off with far-reaching applications.

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BEP 257 – English Collocations for Discussing Staffing (2)

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on discussing hiring and staffing needs.

At the heart of every great company is a great staff. But how do you get a great staff? How do you make sure you have enough of the right people in the right places to make the business a success? These are important questions that you need to answer when discussing staffing needs. Not just because labor is one of the biggest costs for most companies, but because people are the real backbone to any business.

In today’s dialog, you will hear the speakers use many different expressions that we call “collocations.” A collocation is simply a natural combination of words. Native English speakers commonly use these collocations as “chunks” of language, because it’s actually easier to remember them as a chunk than as individual words. For example, in business you might hear the expression “fixed costs” for business costs that don’t change from month to month. People don’t say “unchanging costs” or “solid costs” or “same costs.” Those just aren’t natural collocations. Everyone says “fixed costs.”

As you listen to the dialog, try to pick out some of these English collocations and we’ll discuss them later in the debrief.

In the dialog, we’ll rejoin a conversation between three managers at a fiber optics company. The company is planning to manufacture a new product, and they need to decide how to staff the project. You will hear Carla from finance, Hank from HR, and Paul, the production manager for the new product line. Last time we heard these three talk about hiring new staff or bringing people over from another division. Today they’re talking more specifically about the number of people and costs.

Listening Questions

1. How did they get the lead engineer for the new venture?
2. How does Paul think the company can save some money on hiring for the new project?
3. Why does Hank think it will be difficult to hire new workers?

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